Plan miasta Caragaci

Caragaci - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Hello Arians...

Boss has just come back from a one week vacation in Japan. Another souvenir for me! Yay! Last week was all about church, church and church. Easter is just a good time to be in church. Lots of symbolical ceremonies, singing! ...
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Gerald Scully R.I.P. | John Goodman | NCPA

SMU faculty on this committee were drawn from the Political Science Department, Real Estate Department, and the Department of Economics of which Jerry Scully was a professor. I was incredibly impressed with his .... I am grateful we had a chance to meet and work together. He will be missed by all of us. He was a great man and a true libertarian. Dr. Patrick Caragata Founder and Executive Vice Chairman Rapid Ratings International (New York) residing in Brisbane, Australia ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Gerald Scully R.I.P. | John Goodman | NCPA

SMU faculty on this committee were drawn from the Political Science Department, Real Estate Department, and the Department of Economics of which Jerry Scully was a professor. I was incredibly impressed with his .... I am grateful we had a chance to meet and work together. He will be missed by all of us. He was a great man and a true libertarian. Dr. Patrick Caragata Founder and Executive Vice Chairman Rapid Ratings International (New York) residing in Brisbane, Australia ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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